Tuesday 30 December 2008

Goals and targets for 2009

I think a lot of people, when the words "Goals" and "targets" come up, switch off, or gloss over! I know I used to! However, they are SO important when it comes to achievement and focus.

If you don't set a specific end target, how do you know if;

a)You're on the right path towards the goal?

b) You've reached your target goal?

Why not set a goal or target for health and fitness NOW?! When setting them, look to write down;

1) Exactly what you are looking to achieve (ie 10 pounds, a dress size, 20 bodyweight pressups, 5% body fat). Make sure it is exact. If you say "I want to lose weight", where do you stop?! Be specific

2) Write down a date that you want to achieve this on, or by. If you just say I want to lose 10 pounds, then you leave yourself open to failure, to days of "Oh well, I'll have a takeaway tonight and start tomorrow" Be specific with the date, and you really do have a target.

3) Another good idea is to write down some obstacles, or possible barriers that could stop you from achieving your goal. (E.g. I often leave more than 4 hours between eating, or I normally have a beer as soon as I come in from work) Then you can sit down and workout how you will get around these obstacles. (Will take pre-prepared snacks into work, I will not have beers in the fridge until the weekend, or I will have a glass of water as soon as I get in from work)

Write the date, and your goal in your diary. Add it to your email calendar. Write it on a piece of paper and put it on the fridge and by your bed. Then it will be at the forefront of your mind, and you will have less of a chance of 'falling off'.

Don't just be another 'chancer'. Set yourself a target, and you will feel such a sense of achievement when you reach that date!

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