Wednesday 1 October 2008

Eat for the day...!!

Many people overlook their ADL (Active Daily Lifestyle) when it comes to eating and trying to lose weight.

For example;

Somone who has a manual labour job will be burning far more calories than someone who is sat at a desk all day.

Therefore, you should look to adjust what and how much you eat dependant on the day ahead. If you know you are going to be sat in the car, then sat on the train, then sat at a desk all day, you should look to cut back on calories, and certainly high calorie foods and treats, as your body will just not need, nor burn those calories. If this is you, look to consume more protein rich foods, and nuts, rather than carbohydrates. Protein will take longer to digest, making you feel fuller for longer. Protein is also broken down into amino acids as opposed to carbohydrates which are broken down into glucose and have a greater chance of being stored as fat if you are not using up this energy source.

Likewise if you have a decent walk from the train to the office, then maybe a workout at lunch or afterwork, or will be doing a strenuous day job, you should look to consume calories for fuelling this activity, including a few more complex carbohydrates.


Adam J Westbury said...

Not being funny but this one had me thinking....mmmmmm.
If I was sat on my backside on the train at my desk etc, then the thought of having to find nuts seeds and protein is soo much effort when in the desk is a cadbury's selection pack. Which one do think will win? Exactly.

I think I may be in trouble later this week for this.

Mark Raynsford PT said...

One part of your post is WILL be in trouble come our session on Friday!

1) What is a highly calorific, non beneficial selection pack doing in your desk anyway?!
2) Have the nuts, seeds, protein, fruit, crudite in your desk instead - then you won't have to move! Those are the key choices; Remove the high calorific 'empty' snacks and lose weight, or keep them there, and put on weight!
3) Anyway.... I know you're just kidding.........right?!!
4) I'm going to ban you as a 'commentor' !!!!
5) I might start installing webcams at people's desks....!!

Adam J Westbury said...

Lukily for me I do not have a Cadbury's selection pack hiding in my desk - If I bought one it never be around long enough to get in there.
Also, the packets of nuts,seeds and dried fruit also tend to vanish at an alarming rate- possible boredom eating - hence do not keep them so close to me.
I tried to keep a good source of ready protein availbe but the two smell of a half eaten can of tuna seemed to make my colleagues feel sick.
Banning is harsh to say the least.